Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Sisters, Bubblebath, and a Wild Lingerie Store!

Hi Folks, Ol' Coyote's back!

I lost the sisters! I lost the sisters!

I don't know what to say -- Ol' Coyote's
looked high and low for the sisters, but
they've simply vanished! What do you
suppose happened to them?

It wouldn't be so bad, except what will I
do with all the bubble bath soap -- I have
three gallons of the stuff alongside the
bath tub! My gawd, this is the next thing
to an emergency!

Now, don't get me wrong, Maria loves
to take long, enticing baths, and it's
enough to drive a Coyote insane -- but,
I mean, three gallons is a lot of bubble

Well now, I've got news -- Ol' Coyote's
got his own "Wild Lingerie Store"! ;))
Can you believe it . . . I mean, really . . . .

It's true! It's true! The minute I saw Maria
in that black satin thong, I was hooked!
Just click on the "Cool Store" banner on
the left of my blog, and you'll see what I

Now, guys and gals, check out the Cool
Store. . . you're gonna love it! I can't wait
to see Maria again in that black satin thong. . .
oh gawd, I'm gonna dieeeeee. . . .

But, really, Ol'Coyote's own Wild Lingerie
Store! I mean, I'm not in a drunken stupor, or
anything like that. This is real! Some people
are gonna say the ol' fella's lost his bleeping
mind . . . had one too many bottles of mescal.

I have to run now . . . maybe find the sisters.
Or, then again, find Maria and run the
bubble bath.

Catch you later,

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