Thursday, August 23, 2007

This Love Thing, Continued . . . .


So, what then, makes one attracted to certain people --
I mean, from the very moment we first meet them? I'm
referring to a loving, romantic attraction, in this instance.
The kind of attraction that says, "Yeah, I could have a
relationship with this person".

Ol' Coyote thinks it boils down to a play of energies that
happen on a very subtle level. For instance, the meeting
of energies surrounding bodies on the so-called physical
level. Energies merge when people stand near each
other -- then, there are other mental and spiritual forces
at work, as well. There may even be energies tracing
relationships back through several incarnations. Perhaps,
somewhere down the road, quantum physics can tie
everything together and explain the energy of relationships
in scientific terms -- but, don't bet on it.

In my last post, I told you that I fell in love "three times".
I'm speaking mostly of the attraction alluded to in the
above paragraphs. It's fantastic to feel that attraction, and
I'm sure most of you agree on this point. Also, I must
tell you that I hugged one of those three women, seven
times:)) We couldn't get enough hugs -- we joked, and
made excuses that we hadn't hugged.

So, now, I close my eyes to visualize those three women,
and I consider many things about them. Perhaps I'll talk
about this in my next post. For now, I think I'll just fanticise
for a while -- what a great way to fall asleep tonight;)


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