Monday, June 18, 2007

The Rain and the Romance


Oh, those wonderful memories of rain and romance!
Excuse me for indulging myself in some memories
tonight. Isn't it true, though, that they go so well

Now, I know that many of us have memories of
romance and of "making out" in the rain, whether it
was in a car, in a cabin, a tent, a bedroom, or some
really exotic or unusual location. But, wherever it was,
and whenever rain was involved, I'm sure we'll all agree
that the rain made it special.

I won't go into details, but one of Ol' Coyote's fondest
experiences in this regard, was with a woman from
Toronto. She was the only Torontonian that I've ever
dated, or, at least, remember dating. Anyhow, we
had a hot night in the rain -- in fact, it was so hot and
wild, that it took two days for the steam to clear from
my car windows! :))

Of course, there are more subtle things associating
rain and romance. When we sit listening to the rain,
our minds are easily carried away, our imagination
is stirred, and we are apt to experience a flash of
inspiration. For me, this listening to the rain, can
result in a deep loneliness, both painful and enjoyable.
Does this make sense? This has often inspired me
to do a painting, or to begin a short story.

I've only touched on this topic tonight. There is so
much more to say, in this regard. But, it's late, and
it's raining, so I really must take my tea and listen
to those wonderful rain drops.

Pleasant dreams!
Laurie Coyote


Anonymous said...

Hi Laurie

It must have been some night. When I listen to the rain it makes me feel calm and at peace. It is usually the best night sleep I have.
Luv, Kelly

Pixie said...

Kelly you and Joe must be related, when the rain falls, so does his eye lids:)

I think when it rains,we should have little baseball bats, and play splash ball!

But I never managed to hit a home run, as no one can catch them when they splatter in different directions:))
